Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's a boy!

For those of you unaware (the two of you who actually read this already know..), we're finally "officially public" with Leslie being pregnant. We found out yesterday that it's a boy! On the scans above, the first one is of his foot, second of his profile (head on the right looking up) and third on of his... well.. you know.

Everything has been going well so far. We had a little scare a few days ago when Leslie went to her regular doctor's appointment, because the heart appeared to be skipping. We saw the specialist the next morning in the city, and everything seemed fine, so it brought my basket case head back down to normal OCD levels.. The best part about this whole thing (and everything in our marriage) is that when I'm supposed to be the rock of stability, I crumble like burned toast. Good thing Leslie can keep her head through all of this.

So, as of now I think we're going to start calling him Benjamin Aaron. We'll see if that changes, but we're both getting used to it, so it'll probably stick :)

Emily likes talking about the baby in mommy's tummy. She says that he has "jammies on" and sometimes a bottle. She tells us that when he gets bigger he'll come out, and be really cute! Only if he doesn't look like me, is what I always say (in my head.. :)
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1 comment:

  1. This is fantastic!! I love the name, and the arrow pointing to his...well, you know.


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