Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Running thoughts.. Part II

During one of my many random mind wandering moments this morning while running, I began thinking how I would describe my experiences while running to somebody who never does.  I've always told people one of the main reasons I like running so much is because it's when I can get a lot of thinking done, however that's not always true.  Most of the time, unfortunately, I spend the majority of my run counting each step as I go, and guessing how much longer I'll be out running.  If I can run daily for about three or four weeks, I can finally get into a groove and not have to think through the pain so much, but it's always easy to take a week or two off before I get there...

Anyway, I think there are an incredible amount of experiences in our lives which unless we share them in one way or another, we'll never really know, or appreciate, what those experiences mean.  Take, for example, the typical angry honk as a car goes screaming by a runner, running against the flow of traffic, in the street, and not on the sidewalk.

Common sense would probably indicate that the most prudent, or acceptable, way to run would be with the flow of traffic, on the sidewalk.  I know that most people can at least understand the argument of running against the flow of traffic, as it's easier to see cars coming toward you, and if you have to jump for dear life, it makes it a little easier.  However, those same people would make the argument that it wouldn't matter at all if the [insert expletive of your choice here] would just use the sidewalk there wouldn't be the need for such a silly conversation in the first place.  Here is a perfect example of shared experiences.  I haven't had the opportunity to do this yet, but I'm waiting for the time when somebody confronts me on the issue.  My first question in response to their rant will be, "do you run?"

My bet is the answer will be no, 100% of the time.  Now, I'm not talking about "running" in the sense that Chebon calls it running: to the front door and back... "Running" meaning over a mile at a time.  For people who don't run, the sidewalk is completely free of cars, people, obstacles; it's total freedom to run and frolic, and how DARE somebody not use what the taxpayers have paid for in an effort to increase safety for ALL citizens!  For me, when I start trying to run on the sidewalk it becomes a game of Pitfall! and I only get one life... Branches hang low, debris everywhere, little cracks hit just so send me flying several feet, usually in the opposite direction, and more often than not, any time I come up on any kind of tree or shrubbery, there's a swarm of who-know's-what just waiting for my sweaty, stinky body to run by so they can attack.  Which brings me to my next experience that only those who have done this can share...

Since we just finished the nice big 4th of July, picture yourself hanging out by a pool, grillin' a little som' somin', chattin' it up with friends, whatever.  You see something coming towards you, watch it as it lands on your leg, see it chomp into your flesh, and start filling up like a little elastic gas can.  What do you do?  You swat that sucker as hard as you can, and usually get a little splatter of blood on your leg, or whatever, and move on.  You would think this would be the same when you are on a run... Oh, my friend, let me share with you the truth.. Because, oh we got trouble!  Yes we got trouble! Trouble with a capital 'T' and that rhymes with 'P' and that stands for PAIN!

Somehow, all the mutant, raised in radiation farms somewhere in the midwest, juiced up with performance enhancing drugs (when did they start calling them that??) bugs have found all the possible pathways a runner can take, or maybe they just find me.  It never fails that on a run, I will see one of those little [insert expletive] coming towards me, and I know the battle is on, because this is no regular smash and squirt job, no sir.  I will feel it land on me somewhere, and I'll start swatting.  It'll fly off, and dumb me, every time, will think that it's over.  IT'S NEVER OVER.  I feel I run at a pretty good pace, but those freaks of nature find a way to put it into high gear and chase me for the next two to three miles, taking a good bite every time they land.  Insane with rage doesn't begin to justify my feelings as we, Matthew Musquito and I, battle it out down the road.  Now, you can imagine what this looks like to anybody driving by... Good times.  Oh, and this is in the road, against traffic, so I'm usually coming at them looking like that.. Better times.

Anyway, back to running upstream.. For those of you who don't run, do this little experiment the next time you're out.  Walk down the sidewalk, and take a note at how many times you have to move in any direction to avoid something above you, beside you, under you, whatever.  Now imagine doing that while running for an hour and a half.

So, what experiences do you have that you can share with us?  Let's all share together!


  1. I wonder if sidewalks were made for short people... my cousin Mandy and I are going to start running together more consistently. She's several inches taller than I am so we'll do a little field testing.

  2. Never thought of that one... could be :)


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