Monday, July 7, 2008

That wagon's looking pretty empty right now...

I'll be crawling back on it this morning... From what I've read and heard over the past few days, I'm not the only one suffering from pactitus.  Saturday night Rusty's sealed it for me for the weekend...

So, here's hoping some of you get back on with me... Leslie, Chebon, Kate (although you never 'officially' committed - you remained "confused" for some time - sounds to me that only after a year of law school you're getting the hang of things quite well), Lori, Amanda... how many will be back on?


  1. I was actually confused. You didn't lay out the terms clearly, which means I was unable to fully participate.

    I'm back in- I have to lose 10 pounds (or at least look like it).

  2. I hear you crawled all the way to BJ's to get back on the wagon...

  3. You're cruel, mocking my weakness...


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