Friday, August 15, 2008

For Kate

This one's for Kate because I was never a huge fan.. I don't know if it was because I just didn't like fraggles too much, or more because back when I remember it, it was on HBO. During that time of my childhood, HBO was the forbidden fruit that only during brief moments of mighty courage would I attempt to flip the channel changer (the one still tethered to the television, with the line of numbers that you could zip the plastic handle back and forth on... I would spend hours zipping that little plastic thing back and forth... zip zip zip zip zip zip, that's how WE had fun in those days you little whipper snappers!) over to.

I always knew that when I was watching HBO, two things would happen:
1. Something horrible would be showing (violence, language, nudity, whatever) and
2. My parents would walk in.

With that in mind, I was convinced that Fraggle Rock had one or more of those horrible things on, and therefore could only be watched in snippets of 4 or 5 milliseconds at a time. So, I'm guessing that was the main reason I never really got into Fraggle Rock. I did, however, love this one:


  1. I sort of remember Square One. Did you watch 3-2-1 Contact? Remember The Bloodhound Gang?

  2. I got to watch fraggle rock during the 2 free weeks of the HBO subscription drive.

    I love fraggle rock.

  3. You seriously have too much time on your hands to be searcing YouTube!! Do I need to make more work orders for you or what? Maybe you should have attended my safety meeting!!!!!


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