Sunday, June 1, 2008

Operation: Poop - Success!

Well, it is a day of days! This morning, in my infinite patience, gave Emily yet another ultimatum that I could not hold firm to. I told her it was time to poop on the potty. Of course, she started throwing a fit, so I told her, "fine, you go pee pee on the potty, and I'll get your diaper."

I got a diaper of hers, and cut a hole in the bottom. I then went into her room, and quickly put it on her. I was just sure she was going to notice a draft or something down there, but no comment. I led her back into the bathroom, and told her to sit on the potty with her diaper to go poop. When she sat down, I asked her if she wanted anything while she went poop, she responded, "three pickles."

I responded, "okay, I'll go get some pickles, but do NOT get up from this potty if you are pooping..." I ran into the kitchen to start getting her pickles, and I heard her yell from her bathroom, "Daddy, I'm done pooping!"

Uh oh. I ran back into the bathroom, and sure enough, she was standing up... Frantic, I searched around her to see any.. well.. droppings, but nothing. I peered into the toilet and [insert angelic choir] there it was! She had not noticed what had happened.. as far as shew as concerned, she had pooped in her diaper. I quickly told her to get back on the potty. When she got back on, I told her very calmly, "okay Emily, now get up, and turn around and look in the potty..."

She eased herself off of the toilet, and looked in. Her eyes enlarged to about three times normal, she looked at Leslie and I, then quickly back into the toilet. Then, what I thought was her speaking in tongues became clear very quickly as she rambled almost uncontrollably:

"I can go swimming now! I can go to the splash park now! I can go to the yellow park and swim now! I can get my ball off the shelf! I can watch Enchanted! I can get my white dress, with my shoes and wand! I can get my princess towel!"

She repeated herself excitedly for about five minutes, hugging us and jumping for joy. It became clear to me then that perhaps she had been playing us all along... Just adding one at a time more goodies to her list, pulling us along until she hit the mother load..

Anyway, what do we do? Well, we head off the splash park of course! She ran and played, then we went to Super Target and found her dress and towel. We're now off to my mom's to swim. She's going to post here soon, since she can't type yet, she'll be doing video blogs :)

Now, the big question.. What happens next time she needs to go? Please oh please oh please oh please...

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