Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To make things even more difficult...

Being the great husband that I am, I was planning on getting Leslie a present next Monday. And being even better than you imagined, I figured what better way to give her this present than to have already worked out all the "kinks" in mine and give her that one!

Now, I know what you're thinking, why not just get her the new one? Well, obviously, I'm thinking about HER, because who KNOWS what problems the new one will have? Maybe the 3G won't work, maybe the new applications won't run... Too many variables! That wouldn't be nice to do, now would it?

But now, this is announced..

What am I going to do now?


  1. Well you know what Cameron would say- get both!

  2. Get her the NEW VERSION of what SHE wants...then go ahead and get the blu-ray.

    If you don't get the blu-ray then you are just throwing money down the can't watch the movies from netflix at their full potential, thus wasting all of the money that you spent on your amazing theater system by using a sub-par DVD player.

  3. I'll go with Lori and Kate.. Chebon, your advice sucks.. hahahah


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