Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weight a second, what did you say?

Okay, so I've been trying to run lately.. I get going, run my ten miles, then try to the next day, and so on. I usually make it three days in a row then the curse hits and I miss.. When I miss, I usually then take two or three days to get started again, and the cycle continues.

Even though I've been missing days, I've been thinking to myself, "well, at least I'm running, I can have a little extra to eat now and then..." So yesterday, I was feeling quite full after my lunch, and Leslie asked me to weigh Benjamin on the scale with me, then me without him, so we could calculate his weight. I told her I didn't want to, because I knew I was pretty supersized from lunch, but I figured, what the heck, I've been running (most of the time).

194? I went from around 180 to 194 in like two weeks? Maybe because it's late in the day.. Yeah yeah, that was it. Maybe I had a lot of water to drink before getting on the scale, that too. I mean, it couldn't have been what I ate yesterday, right? So then I took a tally:

Breakfast Danish (from the package, you know the kind: 114 Calories, 6.4 fat grams
Boiled Egg: 155 calories, 11 fat grams (whoah, didn't know that one)

The Service Station Cheeseburger with bacon and avacado: 905 Calories, 59 fat grams
Service Station fries: 520 Calories, 31 fat grams
Service Station Hubcaps (fried mushrooms): 320 Calories, 40 fat grams (I'm guessing on those, couldn't find it online, but probably something like that)

Pot Roast with potatoe(Three servings... plus Emily's, plus a little more while I was cleaning up - probably 8 oz total): 700 Calories, 50 fat grams (Pot Roast); 110 Calories, no fat(?)

Wow, so... wow. I ran 10 miles yesterday (almost, Leslie had to pick me up because of the rain.. so we'll go with 9.5 miles) for about 1200 calories. Grand total calories eaten yesterday: 2824; total fat: 197.4

So there you have it... Maybe I should be looking a little more at what I eat... wow.

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