Sunday, June 8, 2008

Running thoughts

Here I am again at my third day in a row running my ten mile loop. I have yet to make it four days in a row (I've been doing this now for about two months). Here's hoping for tomorrow :)

A few things while running this morning peaked my interest. First, while running past the new stuff coming up on 24th street (Super Target, Hotel, etc), I found two turtles trying desperately to climb the curb to get to the grass. I, being the good citizen for turtles that I am, grabbed them and helped them to "safety" (who knows how long before they hit another street. I was smart enough to grab one of them and almost put him in the median before thinking to myself, "hmmm, in about ten minutes he'll be right back in the same predicament"). I then started noticing a lot of roley polies (never had to spell that before, I wonder if that's right) traveling across the road as well. Then I realized that all of these creatures were heading the same direction: east. Is there some specific reason all these guys are moving east? In my infinite [non] wisdom, I determined that because the sun was rising in the east, they were heading toward the heat. Logical, right? Well, as soon as I hit another road, everything was going every which way, so either the road I was on had directionally challenged little animals, or that whole theory is a load of poo. I'd love to hear anybody's thoughts on that :)

Another issue which soaked up a lot of time on the road this morning had to do with a comment I heard yesterday about a recent political campaign. I won't go into any detail on this (not really the place to do that here), but I will say I'm amazed at the amount of misinformation that can come up during a race. It makes me wonder how much I'm hearing about ANY race (especially the presidential race right now) is true, half-true, not true, or misinformation brewing. I know I'm fairly uneducated when it comes to politics, but I'll tell you, it's disheartening.

Anyway, this morning Emily and I got to go to the splash park, then to Mema Marge's to swim, then we all went to El Chico to eat lunch. Emily's sleeping right now, because in just about an hour we're heading over to Robinson Crossing for Horton Hears a Who!

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